I met Shirley at the Abbotsford Farm & Country Market in 2017. I was doing a lot of markets that summer with my art, and she was also a vendor, selling cider on behalf of a local cidery. We were neighbours at the market one Saturday and got to chatting throughout the day. We got along quite well and she later contacted me to do a home portrait. A year or two after that, I contacted her to do the flowers for my wedding, as she was getting her new flower business, Flower Fort, off the ground (she did an amazing job! She also hosts a number of very cool workshops, like making your own Christmas wreath. Check her out!)
For her home portrait, Shirley provided a number of references photos for their gorgeous home. She really wanted a winter scene, complete with a snowman out front. She also wanted the soft colouring of a winter sunset. The whole scene turned out quite cozy, with the yellow of the house and outdoor lights shining bright. I kept colour out of the trees in order to accent the sunset, so the trees are very heavily sketched. This was an 11 x 14” commission.
“I love it Katrina. You captured everything I wanted. It is beautiful. ❤️”