[Elim Village](https://elimvillage.com/) offers remarkable Seniors Living communities in British Columbia, Canada. They have two locations—one in Surrey and one in Chilliwack. Elim has a unique "Aging in Place" concept, which allows residents to stay together in community as they age. This is made possible through multiple housing types existing on the same campus. It's Surrey community, for example, has Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Long-term Care all on the same 20-acre campus. Residents can change housing types as it suits, to gain more support and convenience if desired. For couples, one might require the support provided in Long-term Care while the other is fairly independent and still residing in Assisted Living. Despite differing care needs, they can remain together onsite and stay connected on a daily basis through frequent visits made possible by the tunnel linking their two residences. It's brilliant, and it's the kind of place I'd want my own parents to consider in time.
One of the buildings on their Surrey campus is named The Harrison, which is one of two long-term care buildings there. The year is 2018, and the leadership is busy preparing for a special event to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of The Harrison. As they drafted their guest list, they turned their attention to the invitation, and engaged me for the project.
Off the side of The Harrison is a gorgeous private garden for the benefit of it's residents. It's a secure garden, so that those with memory loss can still have opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty without any safety risk. A painting of this beautiful garden was the selected subject matter for the invitation. I was provided with reference photos and asked to include "the building, the gazebo, and the bridge". The timeline for the piece was pretty tight (and around the holiday season!) but it came together beautifully.
In addition to the original painting, which measured 8x10", I provided a digital version for application onto their invitation, which was then reproduced.
"Thank you so much for getting this done on such short notice. We love it!"